Short Educational Videos for the New Nutrition Professional

Option 1 Internship
CNS candidates who will be attaining their hours in a state that requires the CNS® credential to practice will need to follow stricter guidelines. Interns will be working with Susan through her practice which includes the use of an electronic health records system for charting, appointment scheduling and client session payments. The intern will be able to benefit from the use of clinical forms, educational materials. progress note templates, lab testing process, professional resources and protocols and the use of a nutraceutical ordering system. All progress notes will be required to be co-signed by Susan. Supervisor-intern review session fees are lower in this internship since all clients will be participating in Susan's practice, however, intern-client sessions are offered at a significant discount. These fees are deducted from the supervisor-intern review sessions fees making them lower for the intern in this option. State regulations will need to be predetermined prior to joining this internship option.
Option 1 Interns Schedule Sessions Here
1 hr 30 min
175 US dollars

ElectronicHealth Record User Fee
Option 1 Interns are required to use the team care practice electronic health record (EHR) system. The team care practice EHR system provides interns with HIPAA regulated systems that include two-way communication, appointment scheduling, automatic billing and invoice services, a client portal and video conferencing. The interns also have access and use of all client related clinical forms (consent form, HIPAA form, authorization form, intake form SOAP notes and more), client educational materials and professional resources.
Interns will be expected to pay a $50.00 user fee at
the end of each month when utilizing the team care practice
EHR system and additional resources.